A big round of applause and a giant thank you to Cara Bristol for hosting this week. Guest hosts are wonderful because 1. they make my job easier and 2. they provide a wider range of stories than if I just wrote about what I read.
If you would like to host some time, please send me an email at celestejones215@rocketmail.com
Take it away Cara Bristol:
I’d seen Rollin Hand’s name on social media sites and had gotten
to know him there, but it wasn’t until Pendragon’s
Lash, that I had an opportunity to read his work. I was pleased to discover
Pendragon’s Lash is well-written,
well-plotted and offers something different from the typical spanking romance
trope. In his novel, four agents of the Star Federation seek to establish
diplomatic relations with the less “advanced” planet Pendragon, where the men
rule over the women. The female agents quickly run afoul of the rules and
suffer the lash. What is different about Rollin Hand’s story is that it has
four main characters and the novel switches between them, yet it remains one
cohesive story (as opposed to a series of short stories).
Before we get to the questions, here’s the official blurb:

Striving to blend in with the local population, the agents soon learn that this world is nothing like their home planets. Danger lurks at every turn, but there is something even more unusual… On Pendragon, it is a man’s right and duty to ensure that the women under his authority are well-behaved. As the mission progresses, each member of the team faces unique challenges.
Elana, a botanist reporting on medicinal plant life, resists her forced dependence on a native who thinks part of his job entails spanking her when she disobeys his orders, yet at the same time she finds herself drawn to this firm-handed barbarian.
Jessica, a bodyguard disguised as a maid of the bride-to-be, finds her hands full keeping the bratty princess safe. But when Jessica falls in love with a native prince, can she admit to him—and to herself—that she can’t wait to be taken over his knee?
Trevor becomes a tutor for the daughters of a noble, but his assistant Iris grabs his attention in a way no woman ever has before. When he must chastise her—for he must do as the locals do—he cannot help but enjoy it, but will Trevor truly go native?
Julia enters the Benefice Sisterhood with orders to spy on the Universal Church of Atonement. She soon finds it painfully clear, however, that life with the Sisterhood will mean harsh discipline. Can she stay strong and carry out her assignment?
Success is uncertain, but no matter what happens, this mission will change the history of Pendragon and the lives of these agents forever.
What did you think of the format of having the story shift
between four main characters?
Which character do you think had the hardest assignment: Elena the Botanist, Jessica the babysitter of
the spoiled bride, male agent Trevor, Julia the novice (nun)? Which character’s story resonated the most
with you?
Usually in spanking romances, the heroine disobeys some edict
of the hero and is spanked for it. In most instances in this book the
undercover secret agent heroine was spanked as a result of trying to do her
job. What did you think about those scenarios as “spankable offenses?”
In Pendragon’s Lash, public punishment is the norm. Do you
find that idea sexy or is it too over-the-top?
How adventurous are you? Would you ever leave home and go to
another planet?
Would you ever take a spanking as part of your job?
First, I must confess, I haven't read this book. I can only address the questions with my general opinions.
ReplyDeleteShifting among characters... It depends on how it's done. If it's really like 4 short stories with smooth transitions, and in which the characters are limited during that "story" portion, I think it can be a good tool. If, however, the story is told in 4 different PsOV throughout, that sounds confusing.
Public punishment... There are certain situations where that kind of humiliation makes the scene a lot hotter, but they have to be written very well and can't hit the reader like a cannonball. The characters have to be portrayed in deep POV so that we readers can really *feel* the humiliation along with the character being punished, and/or, the punisher's emotional connection to the discipline.
Adventurous... I would. I've never said no to a worthwhile move from one place to another. That's how I came to live in so many places over the years. Another planet would just be a new experience. I'd be up for that.
Spanking as part of the job... That is a situation by situation event. I'd need to know if the punishment was for under-cover reasons (thus necessary to the work assignment) or for making mistakes on the job, or for being negligent on the job. I guess I'll have to read the book! :)
Rollin never fails me. And "Pendragon" is one of my favorites. I admit, I thought he might just falter with the challenge of making 4 story lines come together, but he did a "masterful" job and tied it all up neatly in the end. That's a hard task for the most accomplished of writers, I think, but I was impressed by Rollin's ability.
DeleteElena was my favorite character, but I confess that could be because I identified with her so strongly as a well-meaning young lady who just cannot quite grasp the fact that she doesn't have a better handle on things than those around her. Then, too, her spanker was a hunk and a half, as described by Rollin.
Poor Julia had the most difficult job, I think, simply because her discipline played out in cold and dispassionate circumstances so often. I really appreciate spanks coupled with hugs and Julia's experience was terribly lacking — although that made her circumstances seem all the more believable.
Because Rollin placed his story in a location that was reminiscent of a much earlier age and set it up as such a strongly patriarchal society on the front end, it was easier to believe such job-related punishment could have been part of the picture — a scenario that just wouldn't have worked in a 21st century setting.
As to public punishment — I have to confess, I love it, and those scenes are ones I've read more than once. Yeah, I know — I'm a real spanko freak. What can I say?
I cannot see myself as a space traveler, so I would have to say "no" to the offer, but I just might accept a job-related spanking. Maybe. At least I would think about it seriously before I said "no, thanks." (See preceding paragraph for more evidence of my shameless spanko needs and desires.)
Hope you'll pick up a copy of Rollin's "Pendragon." It's a very worthy read.
It's a toss-up for me whether Julia or Jessica had the hardest job. I agree Pendragon's Lash is well done.
DeleteI haven't read the book either, but as usual, I'm not lacking in opinions.
ReplyDeleteUsually in spanking romances, the heroine disobeys some edict of the hero and is spanked for it. In most instances in this book the undercover secret agent heroine was spanked as a result of trying to do her job. What did you think about those scenarios as “spankable offenses?” I'm not sure I understand this. Was she spanked because her job required her to break rules, or was she spanked because her undercover role was required to accept spanking as a form of penance (as in mea culpa)? Either way, if she accepted the punishment because she needed to maintain her disguise, but wasn't happy about it, my sympathies would go out to her. Wouldn't want to be her.
In Pendragon’s Lash, public punishment is the norm. Do you find that idea sexy or is it too over-the-top? I'm not a big fan of public punishments or humiliation. It's too exposed to be sexy for me, and I'm a private individual who prefers things happen behind closed doors. That said, reading about a public punishment can make me more sympathetic toward the individual being punished, since I definitely would not want to be in that person's position.
How adventurous are you? Would you ever leave home and go to another planet? I don't consider myself all that adventurous, but I like to travel. Going to another planet seems so permanent, however I'd be tempted to accept the opportunity for the experience alone.
Would you ever take a spanking as part of your job? One of my fantasies is to have a boss who spanks. So, in a fantasy, definitely. In real life? Probably not. Totally chicken here.... Cluck, cluck, cluck.
What works in fantasy often doesn't in real life!
DeleteI haven't read this yet, but based on the blurb, and questions, I am going to go get it!
ReplyDeleteI like the idea of the public punishment. The humiliation factor goes quite well with the premise of this other world. It makes sense, and I like it.
As far as taking spanking as a part of a jib? Heck yeah! I am a Spanko! LOL, that is, if my husband would let me. ;)
Going to another planet?- that's another definitely yes! I love Sci Fi, and all that it entails.
Great questions, Cara
Congratulations, Roland
If you like public punishment, you'll love this one. DO get it.