First, Spanking Stories Book Club is not meeting today. If you check the schedule in the side bar you'll see that today is scheduled for reading and staying in your pajamas. Feel free to cite me as authority on that if you need back up for your plan to lounge around and read.

You may have noticed that I haven't scheduled any books for the Spanking Stories Book Club for December. I was going to, but then I felt overwhelmed and thought that perhaps you, my loyal readers, might have some of the same holiday panic setting in.
Instead, I am going to do a few different things each Friday. I welcome your participation, but you won't need to read any specific books to participate.
Definitely time for a break. As soon as I wrap up this Nanowrimo, I'm going to kick back a little. I've read about half the Spanksgiving books--will have to take a look at the rest. BTW, clicking on the logo in your block doesn't work--but the one in the sidebar does.