Friday, April 5, 2013

#SatSpanks from Legal Briefs

Greetings Sat Spankers!

Today's snippet comes from Legal Briefs: Over The Knee Justice which is composed of two short stories and a novella. This excerpt is from one of the short stories entitled Judge Not: Class Reunion. When Eileen, who is both competitive and a snob, is invited to her class reunion she attempts to make over her regular guy husband, Jimmy for the event. Eventually Jimmy gets fed up.

In this scene, Jimmy has taken Eileen into the janitor's closet at her old school. She thinks it's for some naughty fun, so she's quite surprised when she ends up over Jimmy's knee.

“Are you nuts?”
He ignored her and continued with his corrective measures. “But, I am still the man in this family and I will not tolerate your disrespect.” As he spoke, his confidence grew, along with the red glow of his wife’s behind.
“I put up with your pretentious ways, thinking that it didn’t apply to me,” he said, “but over the last couple of weeks, I can see that this reunion has brought out the worst in you.”
“This one is for calling me ‘James,’” Jimmy said, with a hard whack to the center of her butt.
“And this one,” he added as he continued to redden the sweet spot in the center of her rear, “is for telling me what to wear.”
The list, and the whacks, continued. “Insulting my car. Exaggerating about my job. Not letting me have a beer.”


  1. Whoa! She got in trouble for calling him James? Wow! He's strict. Great snippet, Celeste. Makes me want to read more.

  2. No, totally understand that. James won't let me call him 'Jim'. One of the first questions I asked my husband was, "Can I call you Jim?" and I just got a very solid, "No." ;) Guys and their names! Soo picky.

    Very funny snippet! I'm surprised more husbands don't do the same thing at reunions. ;)

  3. Oh, I remember this scene...and she was quite the pretentious lady regarding him! I loved this story!
    I may go back and read again.

  4. I need to read this!! Love this scene!!

  5. Love the list of corrective spanks here. And her plea in your opening of this snippet, "Are You Nuts?" A perfect prescription for a spanking scene. Over the knee Justice indeed.

  6. Haha! So much humor in the spanking scenes today. :)

    Ay-yi-yi. This lady needs a spanking, and a chill pill. Lol. In her defense, reunions do make most people a little crazy.

  7. This is why we've never been to a reunion. :)

  8. Naughty goings-on in the janitor's closet, yay! Poor Eileen - it sounds like her pride and her bottom are both going to be sore after this.

  9. Loved this. She must have been a reunionzilla me thinks lol :)

  10. Okay, I'm not sure which made me laugh more...the snippet or Renee's comment. :) Your heroines do enjoy throwing their weight around, don't they? Makes it fun to see them get taken down a peg or two.

  11. Both hot and funny! I enjoyed this story.

  12. Loved the book. Was happy to see Jimmy put his foot (er, hand) down.

  13. Let's hope no one spills any punch and needs a mop from that closet! ;) Enjoyed the snippet. :)


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